ESA PEDIA: Homophone and Homograph

Hello ESAHolics! How are you doing today? We hope your day is as joyful as a Sunday morning, always happy and fun! But besides Sunday, Monday is equally delightful as it's a productive day where our knowledge grows at the University. Therefore, we must always be diligent in reading. For example, let's read about this blog! This time we will discuss "Homophones and Homographs," sounds interesting right? Let's check it out! In communication, there can be misunderstandings between interlocutors caused by the speaker's mistake in conveying something. To avoid these misunderstandings, we need to understand the meaning of words. 'Homonymy' which is having the same spelling or pronunciation or both, but different meanings, and there are two types of it. Those two types of homonymy which are homographs and homophones. Both are enigmatic, and often causing confusion for language lerners. Join us as we embark on a journey through the labyrinth of homographs an...