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Hello!! Introducing the New Generation of ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024
The Inauguration and General Upgrading of ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024 On Saturday, November 25th, 2023, ESA FKIP Universitas Riau for 2023/2024 period had announced its organizational structure through t he Inauguration and General Upgrading of ESA FKIP Universitas Riau 2023/2024 period was successfully held in room D4 English Education Department of FKIP UNRI from 08.00 a.m. to finish. This event was attended by all the ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024 officials and DPK ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024. This event also attended by invited guests from HIMAPENTIKA and the General Chairman of DPM FKIP UNRI. With the theme "Create a Management with a High Integrity and Leadership Spirit for a Quality Cabinet", this event marked the beginning of the management period of ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024. It comprised several divisions, each with specific roles and responsibilities. Those divisions include the Secretary Division, Membership Development Division, Communication and Informatics ...
ESA's Recap on May 2024: Unleashing Talents and Building Bonds
Moments of May ESA FKIP Universitas Riau 2023/2024 in Recap Hi, ESAHolics! May has flown by in the blink of an eye, and it's hard to believe we’re already welcoming June! ESA FKIP Universitas Riau 2023/2024 has been bustling with a variety of exciting activities, marking a vibrant end to May and a fresh start for the new month. Are you curious about the highlights of this month? Prepare to be amazed by the incredible work programs brought to life by the Secretary Division, Intellectual Division, Interest & Talent Division, Islamic & Spiritual Division, Membership Development Division, Communication and Informatics Division, Women Resource Division, and Social & Politic Division. In May, we ESA's successfully executed thirty programs, which are Administration Class III, the 2nd Meeting of Debate Club, MINBA’s Weekly, Kajian Muslimah I, ESA Gathering 2024, the 3rd Meeting of Storytelling Club, the 3rd Meeting of Speech Club, the 3rd Meeting of Debate Club, ESA’s W...
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