Hello!! Introducing the New Generation of ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024
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The Inauguration and General Upgrading of ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024 |
On Saturday, November 25th, 2023, ESA FKIP Universitas Riau for 2023/2024 period had announced its organizational structure through the Inauguration and General Upgrading of ESA FKIP Universitas Riau 2023/2024 period was successfully held in room D4 English Education Department of FKIP UNRI from 08.00 a.m. to finish. This event was attended by all the ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024 officials and DPK ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024. This event also attended by invited guests from HIMAPENTIKA and the General Chairman of DPM FKIP UNRI. With the theme "Create a Management with a High Integrity and Leadership Spirit for a Quality Cabinet", this event marked the beginning of the management period of ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024. It comprised several divisions, each with specific roles and responsibilities. Those divisions include the Secretary Division, Membership Development Division, Communication and Informatics Division, Social and Politic Division, Intellectual Development Division, Islamic and Spiritual Division, Funding and Business Division, Interest and Talent Division, and Women Resource Division. Each division has its own coordinator, secretary, and several members responsible for different working program.
The event began with a grand opening
ceremony which was managed by the MCs, Reza Asra Maulana and Putri Fourtuna,
followed by the recitation of the Holy Qur'an by Riswanda Aprisandini &
Ananda Pratama, and singing the obligatory songs led by Fitrah Al-Habibah
Muhaimin. It was then continued by a welcoming speech by the Chief of Event,
Alina Bidadariku, and a welcoming speech by the Chairman of ESA 2022/2023 as
well as Chairman of DPK ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024, Kakanda Muhammad Farhan.
The event continued with the reading of the Decree by the Chairman of ESA 2022/2023 as well as the Chairman of the DPK ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024, Kakanda Muhammad Farhan and the oath taking by the ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024 officials. After that, the event continued with the signing of the position handover letter and symbolic handover of positions by the Chairperson of ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024 Kakanda Muhammad Farhan and the Chairperson of ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024 Bintang Adri Darmawan. The opening ceremony ended off by the prayer led by Syahrehan and closing by the MCs. The event then continued with general upgrading with the delivery of material delivered directly by the Minister of Internal BEM UNRI, Kakanda Jobi Hal'azim, and there was also a question and answer session. And the event ended up with photo session by each division.
Here are the officials of ESA FKIP Universitas Riau 2023/2024 period.
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The Principal Board of ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024 |
The Principal Board has duties that involve cooperation and collaboration and oversee the running of the board and members. The Principal Board play a role in maintaining every policy, rule and code of ethics of fellow administrators. The Principal Board is a source of information for administrators in designing, realizing and running work programs. The Principal Board act as intermediaries or relationship channels from external institutions to internal ESA and with fellow administrators. The Principal Board itself includes Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer, and Protocol.
- Bintang Adri Darmawan as Chairman
- Satria Hariady as Protocoler
- Masayu Dara Fattarani as General Secretary
- Rani Zahara Mawaddah as Treasurer
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Secretary Division of ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024 |
Secretary Division carries out responsibilities in regarding all the correspondence, secretarial administration, and archives, and also in recording the completeness of the secretariat which can support work program of ESA FKIP Universitas Riau.
- Lawrence Glorya as Coordinator
- Widia Arinawati Sihombing as Secretary
- Ghinar Zahrani Aisyahakim as Member
- Marwah
Kurnia Hayati as Member
- Tasya
Bila as Member
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Membership Development Division of ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024 |
Membership Development Division is one of the divisions that oversees cadre in ESA FKIP UNRI. The Membership Development Division tries to shape each member from planning, forming, maintaining, improving, positioning, to evaluating each member.
- Alina Bidadariku as Coordinator
- Fadli Ramdani as Secretary
- Shalsabilla
Tri Cahyani as Head of Internal Bureau
- Ziona
Rei Lingga as Member
- Putri
Rahayu as Member
- Annisa
Tri Wardhani as Member
- Meutia
Rhamadani as Member
- Ikrar
Lidya Safitri as Head of External Bureau
- Al
Mujaddid as Member
- Febriani
Heriyani as Member
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Communication and Informatics Division of ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024 |
Communication and Informatics Division is one of the divisions in ESA FKIP UNRI. This division carries out responsibilities in media and publications, disseminates the latest information about ESA, managing all ESA's social media, designing graphics needed by ESA, creating monthly media, and documenting ESA activities or work programs.
- Putri Fourtuna Temarang as Coordinator
- Carita Septia Nanda as Secretary
- M.
Dimas Shevananda as Head of Journalistic Bureau
- Meysi Cahya Dumyati as Member of Journalistic Bureau
- Refa Ediyustika Rahmadani as Member of Journalistic Bureau
- Syarifah
Mardhatillah as Member
- Syahrehan
as Member
- Mawadda
Arrahma as Head of PRSI Bureau
- Aurelia Daffa as Member of PRSI Bureau
- Nisha
Ash Sukra Ivananda as Member
- Levina Diza Adella as Member of PRSI Bureau
- Rendy Albert Siburian as Member of PRSI Bureau
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Social and Politic Division of ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024 |
Social and Politic Division is a division that is active in the social and political fields, as well as developing student culture and balancing the social (service) and political (student movement) realms. Besides that, Social and Politic Division also acts as a channel for the aspirations of English Education students for all complaints within the English Education Study Program environment and also participates in helping people in need outside the campus.
- Fitrah Al-Habibah Muhaimin as Coordinator
- Rani Retno Palupy as Secretary
- Syabrina
Laela Albana as Head of Advocacy Bureau
- Naura
Najla Adhinda as Member
- M.
Alfaridho as Member
- Selviana
Safitri as Head of Social Relation Bureau
- Vina
Rizky Andini as Member
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Intellectual Development Division of ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024 |
Intellectual Development Division carries out responsibilities in the academic field with the aim of developing potential both in terms of knowledge, understanding and intelligence possessed by all the student of English Education Department FKIP Universitas Riau. This Division aims to optimize the work program in a real and actual way. The main goal is to advance the students of the English Education Study Program to become dignified scholars who have strong knowledge and academics.
- Reza Asra Maulana Coordinator
- Sri Nurussima Awani Secretary
- Anggun Dwi Prasasti Member
- Bagus Anindyo Nurprasetyo Member
- Nasywa Salsabila Member
- Jasmin
Mariyah as Member
- Violicha
Nandianti as Member
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Islamic and Spiritual Division of ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024 |
Islamic and Spiritual Division is one of the divisions in ESA FKIP UNRI focuses on organizing Islamic activities and increasing the faith and devotion of the students of English Education Study Program to Allah SWT.
- Riswanda Aprisandini as Coordinator
- Nur Meistia Ning Asih as Secretary
- Naisha
Salsabila Rania as Member
- Muhammad Nur Wahid as Member
- M.Zidan
as Member
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Interest and Talent Division of ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024 |
The Interest and Talent Division aims to be a forum for all students within the English Education Department FKIP UNRI to their channel interests and talents both in the fields of art and sport.
- Dery Septiandi as Coordinator
- Indah Diva Safitri as Secretary
- Sergio Anugrah Ananda as Head of Art Bureau
- Angelina as Member
- Anisah Ulfah as Member of Art Bureau
- Zahira Putri Zelita as Member of Art Bureau
- M. Hafiz Aditya Mulia Dharma as Head of Sport Bureau
- Adam Shabir Ramdhani as Member of Sport Bureau
- Mesy Putri Lumongga as Member of Sport Bureau
- Raja Addin Alghufron as Member
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Funding and Business Division of ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024 |
Funding and Business Division is one of the divisions in ESA FKIP UNRI focuses on the field of income sources and has responsibility for collecting funds with the aim of welfare and independence of ESA and also for running of the Cooperative of ESA FKIP Universitas Riau.
- Ananda Pratama as Coordinator
- Ladyatri Aisyah Wulandari as Secretary
- Masithoh
Nanda Rezi as Member
- Rafasya
Muttika Surya as Member
- Khairunnisa as Member
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Women Resource Division of ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024 |
- Srianggi Dwi Putri as Coordinator
- Elizabeth Celvinenoor Br Pardosi as Secretary
- Nurul Khasanah as Member
- Syarifah
Fidya Azzahra as Member
- Rihadatul
Aysira as Member
- Ernia Marietta Simbolon as Member
The end of this event, The Inauguration and General Upgrading of ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024, signifies that the management of ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024 has been officially inaugurated under the Chaitra Achintya cabinet which means as the beginning of a comfortable home to infinity. Hopefully, all the officials can always be trustworthy and strengthened in carrying out the duties until the end of the management.
"An organization will be hard if done alone, but will be enjoyable if done together." - Jobi Hal'azim
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