Hello!! Introducing the New Generation of ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024

The Inauguration and General Upgrading of ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024 On Saturday, November 25th, 2023, ESA FKIP Universitas Riau for 2023/2024 period had announced its organizational structure through t he Inauguration and General Upgrading of ESA FKIP Universitas Riau 2023/2024 period was successfully held in room D4 English Education Department of FKIP UNRI from 08.00 a.m. to finish. This event was attended by all the ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024 officials and DPK ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024. This event also attended by invited guests from HIMAPENTIKA and the General Chairman of DPM FKIP UNRI. With the theme "Create a Management with a High Integrity and Leadership Spirit for a Quality Cabinet", this event marked the beginning of the management period of ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024. It comprised several divisions, each with specific roles and responsibilities. Those divisions include the Secretary Division, Membership Development Division, Communication and Informatics ...