Farikha Alifia (Head of Social & Politic Division) & Khofifa Azhari (Head of Membership Division)

The management of the Grahita Rasuara ESA Cabinet for 2022-2023 has been initiated by carrying out several activities. Some of these activities are major work programs at ESA. The activities that have been carried out are EVC 2023 which will be carried out for 3 days on February 1-3, 2023 in Makmur Village, Pangkalan Kerinci District, Pelalawan Regency, Riau Province.  The English Volunteer Camp (EVC) is a work program of the Social and Political Division. This activity is intended for all students of the English Language Education Study Program who are interested in participating in this event. The purpose of this EVC activity is as a form of service for students of the English Language Education Study Program to the community. The purpose of this EVC activity is the opening EVC 2023 activities on the first day. On the second day of the seminar and various competitions were held at SMKN 1 Pangkalan Kerinci and on the third day it was closed with Joint Gymnastics, Health Seminar, and Health Check involving the elderly of Makmur Village, Pangkalan Kerinci District, Pelalawan Regency, Riau Province.

And after the EVC 2023 activity was over, ESA again welcomed another big activity, namely EMOT I held by the Membership division. EMOT I is a training organization activity like other students, which will later be continued with EMOT II. EMOT I is shown for New Students of the 2023 English Language Education Study Program with the aim of providing basic knowledge about organizations in the campus environment and preparing new students of the 2022 English language education study program to take part in internships at ESA (EGG) which are expected to hone their leadership spirit, build a spirit of militancy, and be able to train thinking patterns in being critical,  in order to be able to become new cadres who will later continue the relay of management either at ESA or other external organizations. This EMOT I activity will be held on February 11-12, 2023 in the D4 Room of the English Language Education Study Program.

The following are some of the results of interviews by Farikha Alifia (FA) as Head of the Social and Political Division and Khofifa Azhari (KA) as Head of the  Membership Division, regarding the series of EVC 2023 and EMOT I activities that have been carried out.

Hello, how are you? How did he feel after implementing the EVC/EMOT 1 program?

FA: Feeling greaatt so far.

KA: So far so good, thank you. Feelings after carrying out the EMOT I program? RELIEVED. Why is it relieved? At least one mandate has been carried out regardless of good judgment or not. At least, I and my fellow administrators have put in every effort possible.

During the preparation of the EVC/EMOT 1 program, what is the memorable story?

FA: The memorable story felt was a preparation that arguably over a little hectic time. We are looking forward to this because this work program has been in a vacuum for two years, and we are reviving this work program without knowing the picture directly. We managed to do it, and the show was a success.

KA: Memorable story? Maybe it's more focused on preparing before the work program anyway. Because EMOT I is the first offline work program after entering the new semester. The preparation was about 2 months before the event hehe, even the speaker said "oh it's still a long time" because the committee was so excited to make sure the speaker hahaha

Are there any obstacles when implementing EVC/EMOT 1? how do you guys handle it?

FA: The obstacles are definitely there, most committees are definitely due to lack of communication, but all of that can be handled by evaluating each mistake and talking to each other carefully. Every time there is a problem, we always have a meeting or a surprise meeting and discuss it together in order to produce an appropriate opinion.

KA: So far there are no significant obstacles during the implementation of the EMOT I program, it may be a little more difficult to communicate with the committee with each other considering the preparation time, which is during college holidays. How to deal with it? Surely we improve communication

Share your experiences during EVC/EMOT 1. How did you feel at the time or was there something memorable you wanted to share?

FA: EXCITING, I REALLY DO. The most memorable thing is that all the activities that took place during EVC, I personally did not feel any fatigue because I really enjoyed every activity that existed. In fact, when you sleep during a rainstorm and your tent almost collapses but you can still sleep and have fun in the tent by waiting for tomorrow when you interact with the community and the children around.

KA: The memorable thing for me was in the section when reading feedback from EMOT I participants for the committee. In the feedback in the form of anonymous messages, the committee received the words enthusiasm, self-evaluation, even corrections regarding behavior, and there was also appreciation and praise for the event, be it decoration to consumption (yes, these younger siblings are very expressive, happy)

Give your impression and message to the EVC/EMOT 1 project that you have done!

FA: Impressions and message for EVC, SOSPOL ESA 22/23 GRAHITA RASUARA IS AWESOME. Y'ALL DID WELL. GOOD JOB. EVC 2024, which did not participate in EVC, I said you regret it because you didn't feel how exciting the activity was to be held at the Student Association level but went out of town and did service in a village.

KA: The impression of EMOT I am really tired but pleasant, the message? Hopefully EMOT I can be a useful and fun experience for the younger participants (I really hope for it, hehe)

Finally, give your version of a motivational sentence!

FA: Communication and coordination are paramount when you're working in a team. EVC SPIRIT 2024, I'LL JOIN AND I'LL WAIT FOR IT!!

KA: When you've been given trust, then show that you're capable.

Well, above are some descriptions of major activities or work programs that have been carried out by the Grahita Rasuara ESA Cabinet 2022-2023, and you can see and feel the excitement of the activities at ESA. This is the beginning of the activities of the Grahita Rasuara Cabinet looking forward to the next ESA activities and events!!!

Photo the EVC Team with the Administrators of SMKN 1 Pangkalan Kerinci

Photo Committee with All Participant EMOT 1








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