ESA's Recap on February 2024: Building a Stronger Community Together


February's Moments of ESA FKIP Universitas Riau 2023/2024 in Recap

Hey folks! 

    Can you believe we've already cruised through February? Now, it's time to move into March! From bidding farewell to the lovable vibes to embracing the budding freshness of a new month, ESA FKIP Universitas Riau 2023/2024 has been buzzing with some exciting work programs. Wondering what went down from February to March? Well, buckle up because the Islamic & Spiritual Division, Membership Development Division, Woman Resource Division, Secretary Division, Interest & Talent Division, and Social & Politic Division have been rocking the scene with ten stellar work programs.  

    In February there were ten work programs that have been implemented. But, what are those ten work programs? Here are the work programs that have been implemented this month. Ready to catch the highlights? Let's dive in!


Isra' Miraj Celebration by Islamic and Spiritual Division

Isra’ Mi’raj Celebration with the theme "Improving the Quality of Life as a Muslim by Improving the Quality of Prayer" was held on 8th February 2024 at Mushola FKIP UNRI. It was organised by Islamic and Spiritual Division of ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024 and was attended by the muslim students of the English Education of FKIP UNRI. This event aims as a reminder and strengthening of faith for English Education Muslims students of FKIP UNRI for the generosity of Allah SWT and the greatness of the efforts of the Prophet Muhammad SAW towards his people.

The Isra’ Mi’raj Celebration attended by all the muslim students from the English Education Study Program, the event included recitation of Qur’an, speeches by organizers, and a lecture by Ustadz Hari RIdho. A QnA session provided engagement, and the event concluded with guided prayers, aligning with its aim to reinforce faith and gratitude among English Education students at FKIP UNRI.


ESA's Wall Magazine 2nd Edition by Communication and Informatics Division

The Communication and Informatics Division (KOMINFO) within ESA FKIP Universitas Riau 2023/2024 completed the second edition of ESA's Wall Magazine. This latest issue, themed "The Art of Self-love," seeks into the importance of self-care and self-appreciation, particularly during the month dedicated to expressions of love. Through a curated collection of thought-provoking articles, inspiring quotes, and captivating visuals, the magazine aims to inspire readers to embark on a journey of introspection and self-discovery. By highlighting the importance of nurturing one's own well-being and cultivating a deeper sense of self-love, the magazine encourages individuals to prioritize their mental, emotional, and physical health amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life. In a world often characterized by external pressures and expectations, this edition serves as a gentle reminder to pause, reflect, and extend kindness and compassion towards oneself, recognizing self-love as a fundamental pillar of personal growth and fulfillment.


English Motivation and Organization Training (EMOT) 2024 by Membership Development Division

The English Motivation and Organization Training (EMOT) took place on February 10th-11th, 2024, at the Microteaching room FKIP Universitas Riau. Organized by the Membership Development Division of ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024, the event aimed to guide and motivate English Education Study Program students of the class of 2023.

The first day featured dynamic activities, including opening ceremonies, insightful remarks from various speakers, and sessions on Leadership, Organizational Management, and Time Management. 

The second day continued with sessions on HR Management, Personal Power, Problem Solving, and Goal Setting, fostering an interactive learning platform. 

English Motivation and Organization Training (EMOT) 2024 successfully concluded with participants gaining valuable insights, aligning with its goal of shaping a golden generation ready for a bright future.


Women Study 1 by Women Resource Division

The Women Resource Division celebrated a milestone as they skillfully organized and executed their inaugural Women Study session in 2024. The event unfolded in the vibrant setting of D4 room at FKIP Universitas Riau, commencing at 3:00 p.m. and concluding with enthusiasm. The chosen theme, "Investigate and Enhance the Potential of Women for Leadership in this Modern Era," sparked engaging discussions and insights. The session not only delved into the challenges women face but also highlighted the immense potential they hold for leadership roles in our contemporary society. The Women Resource Division's dedication to fostering empowerment and understanding in this event exemplifies their commitment to shaping a more inclusive and progressive future.


Secretary Training 2024 by Secretary Division

The Secretary Training, themed "Improve and Maximize Administrative Performance in A Quality Organization," took place on February 17th, 2024, at room D4 FKIP Universitas Riau, starting from 8:00 a.m. until completion. Organized by the Secretary Division of ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024, the event drew the participation of officials from ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024 and EGG ESA FKIP UNRI. It aimed to familiarize the audience with various types of letters in institutional settings and the administrative flow in inter-institutional correspondence.

The event kicked off with a lively opening ceremony orchestrated by MCs Sergio Anugrah Ananda & Dea Tri Senita, featuring recitation of the Holy Qur'an, national anthem singing, and welcoming speeches from key figures like Lawrence Glorya, Bintang Adri Darmawan, and Feni Indriyani. The informative session, led by Speaker Kakanda Yashinta Qhorayma Putri Akbar, covered topics such as inter-institutional correspondence administration flow and different types of institutional letters. The event concluded with a dynamic question and answer session, closing remarks from the MCs, and a hopeful aspiration for participants to implement the knowledge gained.


Education Seminar by Intellectual Development Division

The Education Seminar, themed "Boundless Exploration," held on February 18th, 2024, organized by the Intellectual Development Division of ESA FKIP Universitas Riau. Attended by class of 2023 students from the English Education Study Program, the event featured dynamic activities, opening ceremonies, and engaging performances.

Speakers discussed topics such as Artificial Intelligence in Independent Curriculum Learning Leadership and Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM): Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA). Interactive QnA sessions and certificate handovers enriched the experience. The seminar provided valuable insights and a positive learning platform for the participating students, leaving a lasting impression on their educational journey.


Minba's Weekly by Interest and Talents Division

The Minba's Weekly, is an interest and talent nurturing activity held every Thursday at 4pm on around the campus of FKIP Universitas Riau. The Minba's Weekly activities can be attended by active students of the English Education Department. And through this routine Minba's Weekly activity, we hoped that it can improve the talents of each English Education Study Program student. This February, the Interest & Talents Division of ESA FKIP Universitas Riau prepared various activities each week to cover alot interests of English Education Department students. 

On February 1st, 2024, The Minba's Weekly was held at the Basketball Court of FKIP Universitas Riau. The activity held on that day was futsal. 

On February 8th, 2024, The Minba's Weekly could not be held due to the ongoing election process. Many students acted as PPS members and many students had not returned from their hometowns. 

On February 15th, 2024, Minba's Weekly was held at the Volleyball Field of FKIP Riau University. The activity organised on that day was volleyball. 

On February 22th, 2024, Minba's Weekly took place at the Basketball Court and Pentas Seni of FKIP Universitas Riau. The activities on that day were basketball on the basketball court and dancing & singing at the Pentas Seni. Students can choose what activities they want to participate on that day. And 

On February 29th, 2024, Minba's Weekly was again held at the Volleyball Court of FKIP Universitas Riau. On that day, the activity carried out was volleyball. 


The 2nd Inventory by Secretary Division

The Secretary Division undertook their second inventory at 11:30 a.m. in front of the ESA's Secretariat. This monthly agenda serves as a cornerstone for effective management within the division. The diligent members, assisted by their EGG counterparts, meticulously documented and cataloged all equipment designated for secretarial use, extending their scrutiny to encompass materials crucial for future ESA affairs. This proactive approach not only ensures an organized workspace but also reflects the Secretary Division's commitment to preparedness and efficiency, showcasing their dedication to maintaining optimal functionality within ESA FKIP Universitas Riau. Through these routine inventories, the division remains well-prepared to meet the evolving needs of the organization, fostering a culture of foresight and adaptability.


Sekre Bersih by Secretary Division

The Secretary Division marked another successful session of Sekre Bersih at 2:00 p.m, right in front of the ESA's Secreatariat. This monthly event is a vital initiative aimed at upholding cleanliness and creating a comfortable working environment within the secretary's domain. Members of the Secretary Division, supported by the Communication and Informatics Division, as well as the Intellectual Division, joined hands with their dedicated EGG counterparts to ensure a thorough cleaning of the secretary room. This collaborative effort not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of the workspace but also reflects the commitment of ESA FKIP UNRI to fostering an environment that promotes both productivity and well-being among its members.


Basic Advocay Training by Social and Politics Division

The Basic Advocacy Training, themed "From Bystander to Changemaker: Activate Your Advocacy Journey," took place on February 24th - 25th, 2024, in room D4 FKIP Universitas Riau, organized by the Social and Politics Division of ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024. Attended by officials from ESA FKIP UNRI 2023/2024 and EGG ESA FKIP UNRI, the event aimed to introduce advocacy basics, trial techniques in organizational forums, and the significance of campus politics, emphasizing effective campus action management.

On the first day, the opening ceremony featured speeches from key figures, including Syabrina Laela Albana and Bintang Adri Darmawan, setting the stage for the event's objectives. Trial techniques were explored with EGG involvement, addressing draft agenda discussions. Moderator Srianggi Dwi Putri facilitated an engaging session with Speaker Kakanda M. Abdul Aziz Syauqi, covering trial techniques and encouraging participant involvement through questions, answers, resume creation, ice-breaking, and a quiz.

The second day delved into The Importance of Politics on campus with Speaker Kakanda Anggi Prasetia, emphasizing students' role in understanding political systems and active participation. Kakanda Sandi Purwanto, S.Si., discussed action management, involving a simulation and closing with questions, answers, and resume creation. The overall success of the event highlighted its goal of imparting knowledge for practical application among participants.

    After checking how ESA's work programs are going, it looks like they're doing well. Teamwork, good communication, and focused discussions are making everything run smoothly. What experience do you have with organizations? For a group to work well, it's important to talk openly. And hey, don't forget to check ESA's blog for future updates. Have a great day, everyone!


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