Grahita Rasuara's Principal Board

Hello, Esaholics! Long time not greeting you all, and it's been a long time also surely Esaholics friends have not heard any updates from Grahita Rasuara here. This time Grahita Rasuara again greeted all Esaholisc, and how are all Esaholics friends? I hope that we are all in good health and prosperity.

It doesn't feel like all Esaholics friends that Grahita Rasuara's Cabinet has served half the management period. Counting approximately eight months, Grahita Rasuara has undergone a management period. Surely there have been many things that Grahita Rasuara has passed in half the management period.

Well, as we know, ESA itself, or the Grahita Rasuara Cabinet has four extraordinary Principal Board people who play an active role in the Grahita Rasuara Cabinet. Esaholics friends already know who are the four extraordinary people who serve on the Principal Board in the cabinet this time?

For friends who don't know here, let us know! The first of four Principal Board members is Muhammad Farhan as a Chairman in Grahita Rasuara's Cabinet, the second is Gunawan as a Protocoler in Grahita Rasuara's Cabinet, the third is Melva Naura as a General Secretary in Grahita Rasuara's Cabinet and the last but not least is Vella Dwi Rahayu as a Treasurer in Grahita Rasuara's Cabinet.   

So, on this occasion, we will interview our extraordinary Principal Board to talk a little about what they feel and what are their responses after undergoing this half of management. Here are some interviews by Muhammad Farhan (MF) as a Chairman, Gunawan (G) as a Protocoler, Melva Naura (MN) as a General Secretary, and Vella Dwi Rahayu (VD) as a Treasurer in Grahita Rasuara’s Cabinet.

Hello Principal Board, how is this going? And how is this going after half the management of ESA? Can you share his feelings about having gone through this half of management? 

MF: Wow, I'm confused about what to say HAHA, the feeling after going through half the management is interesting. First, you must be happy because you have come this far with various achievements and achievements that have existed. Second, it's quite dizzy because it balances half the management again with the KUKERTA which in fact we have to be off for activities. Finally, you have to be more enthusiastic because there are many opportunities and knowledge that increase and can be applied in undergoing half management again. 

MN: Indescribable, but it's full of memories and you can call almost everything that happen with all of sixty-eight members has altered my brain chemistry. Not everyone stand out from my perspective, but everyone has their own stories and experience with me.

VD: After going through half-management and joining these great people I feel like I'm much more developed than before and I've also learned a lot about their way or ours solve problems. I also feel happy because when I feel unconfident, I get a lot of support from Grahita Rasuara's friends.

G: Thank God it is good. Well, after undergoing half management, of course, for yourself there is a lot of experience and priceless knowledge gained. It feels like either small or big things are done, and many or few things discussed in management still feel meaningful.

Do you think in the past, when at the beginning of management, you had specific goals about the course of management? And if there is, has that goal been achieved in half of this administration?

MF: For the specific purpose of me personally as the Chairman is that we can have an identity and existence that is in accordance with the character of English Education Program Study students who are classified as more "flexible" but still structured. Well, so far in the implementation of management, we have been able to work and show our existence while still having our character and personal identity. 

MN: The main thing that Mr. Chairman stated shortly after being elected is to create a supportive, positive, and safe environment among the members of ESA. The main goal was to lessen the pressure of being 'perfect' and freely express our own feelings and interests. Eventually, the environment that has been expected come to reality. Now, the other lesson that the members of ESA need to work on is maintaining the positive work ethics and keeping up the professionalism to each other. 

VD: At the beginning of this management I hope that in this management we can be better than before and can do our best for this ESA. And yes, in this half of our stewardship I see we did our best, and many people recognize that the current management seems to be perfect. 

G: Of course there is. Regarding discipline and family between managers. 

You as the Principal Board certainly have and hold a more important role in the running of management, how do you see yourself in this half of management? Maybe it can be in terms of position, habits, character, or others.

MF: I as one of the Principal Board and especially as the Student Regent see myself as a person who tries to consider all decisions neutrally and objectively. It is intended to be the party that mediates all problems and solutions. But of course, with such a character and role, it will not be safe to run smoothly or well, of course, the weaknesses and strengths that are owned are complementary in the process.

MN: As one of the most influential person in ESA, I also have been through the process to become not only the better of myself but also bring out the best of me. I learned how to manage my time, maintain my commitment, how to adapt not only as a leader but also co-workers and friends of the organization. It also shaped my characters to be better, in a way of talking, gestures, controlling and behaving. I learned so much things, so much.

VD: In this half of the tenure I see myself as much more developed than before. I might have been unable to get along with people before, but now I find it easy to get along with other people, who used to be afraid to try something now because of the many supports from the board I have become brave, and many other things.

G: From me personally, maybe I am still not firm and less embracing all management.


And how do you see the divisions that have performed so far? Perhaps there is an impression to be conveyed. 

MF: Every division from the beginning of management has high enthusiasm and spirit because in every work program, they have almost everything can be handled not only well but also pleasantly. Each division also has brilliant innovations as well, for example, Communication and Informatics Division *ekhem* is always eager to give a beautiful face to ESA FKIP Universitas Riau through publications on Instagram and other social media.

MN: From the bottom of my heart, I am proud and love everyone of you, guys. I always impressed of how you implement every idea and innovation that you have in mind. You guys did wonderful jobs. Thank you, for staying and fighting together until our time is over.

VD: I see from the beginning of our program until now, all divisions always give their best for their projects. I feel proud of every division that has succeeded in implementing every project that exists. Although there may still be some small mistakes, I think it's normal because no human being is perfect. So I just want to say we're all great, keep up the spirit for the next half of management!

G: Beyond my expectation, the work programs carried out were very beyond our expectations, the divisions did each work program to the maximum, and we are very grateful and appreciate it.

Half management means, of course, that there are very many work programs running. In your view for reflection on Grahita Rasuara itself, what should be improved and improved in this management?

MF: Grahita Rasuara is about eight months old and with this age, there are many things that need to be improved and improved. One of them may be in terms of work programs that should be able to target more at the student level and cooperation with external parties, not just continuing the repetition of work programs inherited from previous management.

MN: Professionalism and respect towards the members of ESA, no matter their position and job desk. Everyone is valuable and has their own role and we work together, we create this together. We have this ESA together.

VD: I think what needs to be improved and improved is communication. Because during the work program, there are still communication problems. 

G: For attitudes and relationships between officers, EGG, administrators, and batch students, as well as administrators and lecturers to be further improved.

Wow, it's very impressive after reading the answers from the Principal Board. After reading the results of the interview above about half the Management of the Grahita Rasuara Cabinet, what is the response of all Esaholics friends? You can send constructive suggestions and input in the comments column, Esaholics! Eits but for interviews with the Principal Board this does not end here, friends! There are still exciting discussions in part II, so stay tuned guys!!


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