Maba Gathering 2023: Forging Friendships and Furthering Knowledge


The Membership Development Division at Universitas Riau's English Education Program proudly unveiled the successful completion of their highly anticipated event, "Maba Gathering." This vibrant occasion was meticulously crafted to unite the incoming students of the English Education Program, immersing them in a captivating experience that would not only foster camaraderie but also introduce them to the intricacies of their chosen program. Organized with meticulous care by the Membership Development Division, this event unfolded at the prestigious Mangkrak FH Building on the sunlit morning of Saturday, September 9th, 2023, commencing at the auspicious hour of 8:00 AM.

Maba Gathering, standing as a cherished tradition, heralded the commencement of these students' academic journey. Its noble mission was to imbue fresh scholars with a profound understanding of the English Education program's nuances while nurturing connections and friendships among the incoming cohort.

More than just an introduction to coursework, MABA Gathering was a voyage into the realm of English language studies, seeking to instill values of unity, collaboration, and enduring relationships among the Class of 2023 within the English Education program. This event transcended the bounds of academia to shape the very character of these budding scholars.

Past iterations of MABA Gathering bore testament to their resounding success, garnering praise and admiration from participants and laying the foundation for a tight-knit community. It was not merely a gathering; it was the launchpad from which lifelong friendships were forged, networks established, and a profound understanding of campus life attained.

The event's meticulously planned agenda featured a medley of interactive sessions, team-building exercises, and informative dialogues concerning campus life and program expectations. Through these diverse activities, students not only acquired knowledge but also crafted bonds that would accompany them on the meandering path of their academic journey.

In its essence, MABA Gathering endeavored to foster a warm and inclusive atmosphere, offering an exhilarating initiation to the new academic year for the students of English Education at Universitas Riau. It was more than an event; it was the promise of a vibrant, interconnected community embarking on a shared odyssey through higher education.

The day of Maba Gathering began with an air of excitement and anticipation as students gathered at the Mangkrak FH Building. Laughter and conversations filled the venue, breaking the ice among newcomers who were soon to become friends and colleagues. The program kicked off with a warm welcome from the Membership Development Division, setting the tone for a day of connection and discovery.

One of the highlights of Maba Gathering was the series of interactive sessions designed to introduce students to the academic world of English Education. These sessions were not your typical lectures; they were engaging, thought-provoking, and encouraged students to participate actively. From discussions on language and literature to the intricacies of educational theory, these sessions ignited the intellectual curiosity of the newcomers.

Team-building activities played a pivotal role in Maba Gathering, aiming to forge bonds among the students that would last throughout their academic journey. Through collaborative challenges and problem-solving tasks, students learned the value of teamwork and unity, essential qualities for success in both academia and life.

Maba Gathering also provided an opportunity for the newcomers to meet their seniors and mentors. Seasoned students shared their experiences, tips for academic success, and insights into campus life. This mentorship aspect of the event helped ease the transition for incoming students and provided a support system for their initial steps into university life.

As the day progressed, discussions on program expectations and campus life revealed the shared goals and aspirations of the English Education Class of 2023. Students learned about the resources available to them, academic requirements, and the opportunities that awaited them during their time at Universitas Riau.

Maba Gathering concluded with a sense of accomplishment and anticipation. The friendships formed, knowledge gained, and connections established during this event set a promising tone for the students' academic journey. As they left the Mangkrak FH Building that day, they carried with them not only a sense of belonging but also the enthusiasm to embark on their educational adventure with newfound friends by their side.

Maba Gathering exemplifies the commitment to holistic education, where academic excellence is intertwined with personal growth and community building. It serves as a testament to the program's dedication to nurturing not just scholars but also individuals who are ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities of higher education. As the English Education Class of 2023 begins their academic odyssey, they do so with the bonds of friendship and a wealth of knowledge acquired at Maba Gathering, setting the stage for a bright and promising future.


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